:: Saturday, May 12, 2001 ::
See, I had all this stuff I was going to post, but then I read Pete's blog, and I found this out. And now it's...yeah. It's gone.
Jesus. I can't believe Douglas Adams is dead. Only a year older than my Mom, and he's gone.
It's not that often that I really stop and recoil when someone famous dies, but this is one of those occasions. This man was one of the reasons I write. It's just so off-kilter that he could be gone.
This page will be silent until this time tomorrow night, in a somewhat ridiculous memoriam. Who knows. Maybe he'd get a kick out of it.
Take care of each other.
:: Reesa 5/12/2001 10:55:09 PM [+]
:: Friday, May 11, 2001 ::
Emmett from the US version of Queer As Folk, Peter Paige, is in this episode of Suddenly Susan as a funeral director. *snickers*
:: Reesa 5/11/2001 01:13:29 AM [+]
:: Thursday, May 10, 2001 ::
This is what I'll be doing tomorrow.
Two sessions with Pat in a week, and tomorrow we try that for the first time. I suppose I should feel more apprehensive, but I'm kind f looking forward to it. I just want to get over this. All of it. And this looks, from the reading I've done on it, to be a viable solution to most of the stuff I'm seeing Pat for.
Heh. Maybe I should talk to him about repeat customers. I wonder if he knows I'll stop coming to see him when I feel better?
:: Reesa 5/10/2001 11:37:35 PM [+]