Handbasket Emporium -- Show with pride our imperfections...

:: Handbasket Emporium ::

The most basic of instincts is "ow".
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:: Apocrypha

:: Saturday, November 24, 2001 ::

I got a neat backpack laptop case today, which is big enough to hold all my accessories AND my purse AND anything else I could want. It's got killer padding for the laptop, too, unlike the little leather-esque, made in China case that came with Lain. That had no padding to speak of, and kept making me nervous, since the clip holding the shoulder strap had a tendency to slip every so often. I'm much happier with this one, and it'll make the "one carry on" rule a snap when I go home next month.

Holiday shopping chugs along nicely. Everything is coming together quite well. I need to remember to set aside time to copy CD's for people, and to borrow Stanley's camera so I can do the little walking tour thing I wanted to send to relatives. We'll see how that one goes, especially if I never spend any time at home. I was going to go home tonight. Yeah. Really.
:: Reesa 11/24/2001 10:59:14 PM [+] ::

How pissy is this? On Dec. 3rd, freeservers will no longer offer FTP access to their free websites. What do we think I have Handbasket on? Shit.

I guess it's finally time for me to get the other account up and running. Son of a bitch.
:: Reesa 11/24/2001 10:51:38 PM [+] ::

Take the Affliction Test Today!
:: Reesa 11/24/2001 09:27:48 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, November 23, 2001 ::
My friends, my close friends that I'd do anything for...I don't know. I can talk to them as myself now. I'm not hiding anything anymore, and it's so nice. It's nice to know that I don't have to swap pronouns (not that I ever really did...just my mind telling me to) and that if I say something about the Collective nobody is going to hang up on me. I feel like I can talk to these people for ages, and even though there will be pauses they will be comfortable. I've described Tom's and my relationship as a 11 year conversation that we sometimes take breaks in, and that's what it feels like. Not that I'd want to, but if there was a need, either one of us could duck out for years, and we would still be able to pick up the same thread of craziness that keeps us together.

That's why I'm happy with the friends I do have, and not so worried at last about having so many. Quality over quantity, every time.
:: Reesa 11/23/2001 10:49:32 AM [+] ::

:: Thursday, November 22, 2001 ::
Oh yeah. And happy thanksgiving, to those celebrating today. I know I'm too late for Canadians.
:: Reesa 11/22/2001 11:19:28 AM [+] ::
The track listing on my new writing mix CD...hmmph. Not as varied as I thought! Course, if I put on every song that I've ever said "This is a Nick/Rick (Kyle, to those reading now, because rhyming names, even by accident, are just...no) song" I'd have about 5 CDs.

Capercaillie - Sidewaulk Reels
Moist - Sunday Comes
Altan - Donal Agus Morag
Stabbing Westward - Exist
Capercaillie - Alasdair Mhic Cholla Ghasda
They Might Be Giants - Till My Head Falls Off
Stan Rodgers - Witch of the Westmorland
David Usher - Black Black Heart
Remy Zero - Save Me
Ashley Macisaac - Wing-Stock
David Usher - F Train
Stabbing Westward - So Wrong
Great Big Sea - Drunken Sailor
David Usher - My Way Out
Loreena Mckennitt - Huron Beltane Fire Dance
NIN - Sin
Altan - Dulaman
David Usher - St. Lawrence River
Great Big Sea - Fast As I Can
:: Reesa 11/22/2001 11:13:46 AM [+] ::

:: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 ::
Um, yeah. Right.
:: Reesa 11/21/2001 09:05:28 PM [+] ::
If I was an Autobot, I'd be:

Click to see what Autobot you could be!

Take the Transformers personality test at android5.com!

:: Reesa 11/21/2001 09:01:11 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 ::
You know, aside from the whole brother/sister incest thing going on in all her books(which, lets be honest, I never really cared that much about), I think the point I stopped enjoying V.C. Andrews was when I read Dawn, and she had used the -exact- same rape scene in it that she'd used in Flowers In the Attic. I mean, to the word.

And the creepy thing is? I can still remember most of it. Mainly "into my tight, resisting flesh, which tore and bled".

Sometimes I worry me.
:: Reesa 11/20/2001 01:26:01 PM [+] ::

John William Waterhouse

Zowie. Search inspired by Cleo's wallpaper, which is now mine at work.
:: Reesa 11/20/2001 06:29:39 AM [+] ::

:: Monday, November 19, 2001 ::
It is 11 PM on a work night. In my kitchen sink, there are two silver things, soaking in a paste of lemon juice and baking soda. (OO! Watch it foam!) My favourite ring is shinynewclean, and the large silver bowl which will shortly reside on my altar is almost as shiny.

I will NOT watch Pay It Forward.

I will NOT watch Pay It Forward.

I finished the smaller tablecloth, and it's amazingly gorgeous. The larger one is cut out, and the red one is getting close to being that way. I will go wash my hair. I will go pick out clothing for tomorrow. I will go to bed even thougb I'm not tired.

Why? Because I'm an adult. Sometimes.

I think.
:: Reesa 11/19/2001 11:22:20 PM [+] ::

Sometimes, I really wish they made steak flavoured ice cream. Salty and meaty, and it would be good without all the chewing. Maybe little chunks, like with cookie dough...

Cravings are odd, odd things....
:: Reesa 11/19/2001 09:48:18 PM [+] ::

Uppity Women of the Renaissance

Because I was needing some rambunctious female energy. And as much as I hate to say it? Great bathroom book.
:: Reesa 11/19/2001 08:43:41 PM [+] ::

Would it be sick if I admitted that watching Faith and Buffy beat the crap out of each other kinda gets me going?
:: Reesa 11/19/2001 07:55:53 PM [+] ::
It's very, very cold in my office today, and of course, because I'm an idiot, I forgot to pack a bra when I went to Mari's on Saturday. Thankfully, my dress has this neat little false jacket front to it, so I'm not poking anyone's eye out.

I made Mari grudgingly promise to do all sorts of things this week, like get glasses and call Dr's. She tried to make me promise something, but it failed. Mwahahaha. Thank you, evil gene.

I'm so glad I get a 4 day weekend. And then, pretty soon after that, I guess I'd better get my holiday shopping done and over with, and shipped, because I'm leaving. Eek!
:: Reesa 11/19/2001 10:33:17 AM [+] ::

:: Sunday, November 18, 2001 ::
Dude, I Thought D.C. Was A Suburb of Los Angeles, Or, How I Got On The West Wing.

This will be of interest to a couple people I can think of. *snicker* And I still hate Aaron Sorkin.

There is every likelyhood that I will be on an episode of The West Wing. They were fliming in DC today, on the corner of 9th and Pennsylvania by the Justice Department, which we noted with voyueristic glee and used as an excuse to circle the block. As we were coming back around, Lori, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, started squealing because Brad Whitford was standing on the corner, shooting a scene where he was talking on a cel phone and about to hail a cab. Traffic patterns dictate that we drive behind the shot, and so we did, earning the Explorer and all it's passengers an auspicious guest star role.

Heh. Dave? I would just like to say neiner. I'm still not watching the damn show.

For those of you who may want to stalk me, I was sitting behind the tinted, passenger side window in the back seat.
:: Reesa 11/18/2001 05:13:58 PM [+] ::

And then, just when you think the world couldn't get any stranger?

You find yourself on the phone with the Indiana State Police, trying to get them to find someone driving around in a car you can't describe, on a road you don't know the name of.
:: Reesa 11/18/2001 12:17:57 AM [+] ::

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